According to the gospel of John, on the night of his last supper with the disciples, Jesus washed his disciples’ feet and commanded them to do the same for others. In addition to an optional foot-washing station at the Maundy Thursday worship service, we will observe this event in the life of Jesus with a collection of new or used shoes for the organization Soles4Souls. This group collects shoes of all types for distribution to those in need in this country and around the world. Work boots, snow boots, dress shoes, sneakers - - all kinds of shoes are useful in all kinds of different settings, so bring ANY shoes you have that you no longer need, and Soles4Souls will get them to those who do. Do not worry if your shoes seem to be in bad repair; the organization will do the sorting for us. Even “lost” shoes, without a match, are welcome; they will store them in their warehouses until they find a new mate. Shoes will be collected all of Holy Week, but a special collection site and prayer will be a part of the Maundy Thursday service. Funds from the Mission Outreach Committee will help us mail them to the distribution site in Iowa. Please help us with this Lenten mission project!
For more information about Soles4Souls, click here.
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